My concerns with increased borrowing rates as a measure to counter hyperinflation

I bought my first house in Canada in my mid-twenties. If you are wondering why I am telling you this, keep the query shelved for a couple of paragraphs. We shall revisit it soon. There are still too few houses Well intentioned follies! Unless the Federal government wants to go the Soviet way and take… Continue reading My concerns with increased borrowing rates as a measure to counter hyperinflation

The Cities We Want

The “freedom to build”, will make Canadian cities more affordable, equitable, vibrant, and financially secure and governments must allow that.

Pre-Sale Properties Are Not Just For Investors

We recently sold-out Phase 1 of Sky Living, the second development undertaken by Allure Ventures. When we launched the project, concerns were raised by people who deeply care for me and the company about the timing. Given high interest rates, would people be interested in investing in property, especially in a luxury development like Sky… Continue reading Pre-Sale Properties Are Not Just For Investors

Why Canada And India Must Find A Way To Power Through

The recent deterioration of relations between Canada and India is bound to impact immigration targets, since the majority of immigrants to Canada are from India. Given low birth rates and a rapidly ageing population, Canada needs immigrants to ensure that it does not suffer from critical shortage of labour. Can these two massive democracies work their differences out and power through this difficult phase?